Sep 22, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions about Horizons and Wildmage Press can be found here. This post will be updated regularly as needed!

What TTRPG system is Horizons content made for?

Each issue of Horizons has four articles with creatures, locations, adventures, magic items, and other cool stuff ™ that you can drop right into your game. Three of those articles are primarily for 5e, and the fourth is designed to feature another TTRPG (Pathfinder Second Edition in issue 1 and Candela Obscura in issue 2). There’s also a nerdy op-ed from the Desk of Many Thoughts.

Many Horizons articles are easily adaptable to other systems. There are plenty of crunchy and highly playtested mechanics, but we intentionally design so there’s something for everybody—you can use the article as-is, convert a stat block to another system, or just grab some tasty ideas from the lore and art!

What does “digital-first” mean? Will Horizons be available in print? 

Horizons is released as a PDF (bookmarked and fully screen reader–accessible, in both color and grayscale). However, a print version is in the works and subscribers will be the first to hear about it!

Will Horizons be available on virtual tabletops like Roll20?

Short answer: Yes! Longer answer: Yes—stay tuned!

How can I work on Horizons

There’s a looooong lead time on making stuff this awesome, so we already have authors for spring 2025 and beyond. In other words, we are not accepting public pitches for Horizons. In the future, we hope to have an open call for author portfolios and open applications for new testers. Artists are welcome to send portfolios to, but our small team can’t guarantee a response.

Who are you people, anyway?

Wildmage Press is founded and run by Hannah Rose and Clara Daly. We’ve been making cool game stuff for a while (with publishers/creators including Wizards of the Coast, Critical Role & Darrington Press, Worlds Beyond Number, and MCDM Productions) and we’re excited to make even more cool game stuff aboard our own ship! You can read more about us and the company here.

What are your plans for world domination? 

World domination isn’t quite on the company roadmap yet, but we do have a goal to hire at least one full-time necromancer. We also have some epic projects in the works, exciting collaborations with folks you might recognize, and lots of amazing articles lined up for Horizons, so stay tuned!

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