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Adventure Awaits!

Horizons is a digital magazine for 5e and other tabletop roleplaying games. Each issue includes four articles full of epic new monsters, drop-in locations, spells, magic items, adventures, and other content for your tabletop games, as well as the Desk of Many Thoughts, a nerdy op-ed column.

Horizons is released once per quarter (October, January, April, and July) as a bookmarked, fully accessible PDF. ​​Between issues, subscribers also receive bonus content like tokens, extra magic items, behind-the-scenes art process posts, and more.

Your membership will be charged at $5 a month or $54 a year USD. Subscribers also receive access to all past Horizons issues and bonus content!

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$54.00 per Year.

Stacked covers of both Horizons 1 and above that Horizons two, both at slight angles featuring a drop shadow.

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A picture of a green envelope that says "A gift for you" open and containing a plastic card with the dragon from the cover of Horizons issue 1 on it

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Just in time for the holiday season, you can now heroically gift a Horizons subscription to your GMs, friends, and family! Buy them a sub for one month or up to a year to give the gift of inspiration, magic items, and gorgeous art!

Our Latest Issue

An elven woman with pale skin, white hair, and extra long ears spreads her arms wide, hovering in midair as shadowy, insubstantial tentacles curl lovingly around her limbs.

Isolde's Tome of Esoteric Spells

Empower hemomantic spells with your own blood, steal magic from the heavens with latrotheurgy, and study nethermancy to wield knowledge beyond mortal comprehension.

Game design by Amber Litke.
Art by Nino Vecia.

A portrait of Irene, a pale elf with long waves of black hair, looking down on the viewer. She's wearing a crisp white blouse, a gilded corset, and luxurious purple pants with a red sheer cape. Blood-like drops of magic emanate from both of her hands. On the right, a portrait of Emrys, a dark-haired human man with bronze skin, who gazes out with a seductive half smile. He's dressed in sinister nobleman's finery including an embroidered coat with ruffled sleeves and a bejeweled necktie, and casts a glowing swirl of golden magic with his right hand. Magical golden chains break behind him.

Crimson Strings and Stolen Prayers

Emrys and Irene Hawthorne are a powerful, ambitious couple who can be your party’s next epic villains … or attractive benefactors.

Game design by Sadie Lowry.
Art by Veronica O’Neill.

An elven woman with dark braids drops a book in a library, shocked by two small imps summoned by a trap in the book. One imp is trying to yank a necklace off the elf's neck.

Terrific Trappendix

These five tremendous (and potentially terrifying) new traps will challenge your players, add excitement to your dungeons, and inspire unique encounters.

Game design by James Introcaso.
Art by Clara Daly.

Three art nouveau style portraits. A lavishly clothed black woman stands smiling, one hand on hip, leaning slightly on a parasol. A street-clothed non-binary person who could blend into a crowd coolly leans against a wall. A serious and gaunt older woman holds and inspects a glowing chemical flask—from it, smoke rises, forming a shadowy figure in the background.

Adversarial Archetypes

The Tycoon, Street Tough, and Unfettered specialties take oft-villaneous archetypes and reimagine them for Candela Obscura investigators.

Game design by Carlos Cisco.
Art by Brandi York.

Direct Purchase

Not looking for a recurring subscription, or not interested in bonus content? Once released, individual PDF downloads of each Horizons issue will also be available on our website for $15 USD per issue.

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